Seeing the Use of Cannabis in the Medical World
On the one hand the use of Cannabis sativa for the treatment of some diseases is beneficial. But on the other hand legal legality is violated and side effects due to the use of medical marijuana are debatable.
In fact the need for marijuana as one of the drugs in the medical world has been around for centuries. In marijuana researchers found a component of an active substance that is likely to aid the treatment. That component is a chemical compound called cannabinoids. It can also used to make a Cannabis oil.
Cannabinoids are found in cannabis. Two active cannabinoids are delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD).
These substances are said to help heal and reduce the symptoms of certain diseases such as inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) cancer can also increase appetite in people with HIV/AIDS hepatitis C stress disorders glaucoma epilepsy and several other diseases.
“(Cannabis) to treat some diseases such as digestive diseases can indeed but for other cases such as cancer marijuana is used only to reduce the symptoms. But there are still many other drugs that can be used so it is not the ultimate drug of choice “said Albert’s doctor.
There are exceptions in 28 states in the United States such as Arizona Florida and Washington that allow marijuana to be used only for treatment in some medical conditions. In Canada it’s also allowed but must be under the supervision of an expert. Just call the Cannabis oil Canada if you want to get treatment with marijuana.
The strict rules for the use of medical marijuana in the US also vary between states. In Alaska for example the use of marijuana as a drug is limited to 28 grams for one use while in Arkansas 85 grams for a 14-day period of use.
Although research on the benefits of marijuana for the medical counts is not so much in some small case studies the use of marijuana in cancer patients reportedly can reduce nausea and dizziness after undergoing chemotherapy.
Cancer sufferers usually ‘enjoy’ the treatment of marijuana through food such as cakes. Still the use of marijuana in the food must use certain permits.
Strict control over the use of marijuana as a medical drug cannot be separated from the side effects that may be caused. On the condition of different patients the use of cannabis can make mood changes such as suddenly cheerful relaxed sleepy or just so anxious. These side effects can last 1 to 3 hours.
It is very difficult to predict the effects of medical marijuana on patients because marijuana plants have many active compounds. Effects can be felt differently based on the time of use of marijuana and the doses used.
The legality of marijuana as a medical drug was recently approved by the Argentine Senate. The country allows the use of marijuana for the medical world whether in the form of oil or other derivatives of cannabis products under strict conditions.